This is a very cool build on a solar powered trike. I believe this could easily be adapted to many recumbent trike models.
Solar Powered Trike. Travel for free with the power of the sun!
How to build a Solar Powered Trike
The purpose of this project is to build a vehicle that:
* Provides free, 'green' transportation for short distances ( more than 10 miles)
* Charges while at work
* Is cheap, simple, and low maintenance.
* Draws attention to the practical application of green energies, and promotes Fossil Fuel alternatives.
* Reduces excess automobile wear and pollution from cold driving / short, in town trips.
* This was a project for Dr. Reza Toosi's 'Energy and the Environment, a global perspective' class at California State University, Long Beach. We look at the sources, technologies, and impacts of energy on our environment.Link to other class projects, some of Dr. Toosi's ENG-302i lectures, and other interesting videos.http://www.csulb.edu/~rtoossi/engr302i
Short video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIiJp4aKDHM
To view more information and the complete plans for the Solar Trike go to http://www.instructables.com/id/Solar-Powered-Trike/?utm_source=medrect&utm_medium=solartrike_medrect
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